Analytics Insights Project

Team of 4-5 students work with a Foster faculty mentor and your data to solve a real-world business problem using a combination of economics and machine learning techniques

How Does it Work?

Identify your business problem, project goals, datasets, and a coordinating champion/team from your company.

Execute a data-sharing agreement and transfer data to our secure FCAC servers or grant direct access to your company’s secure environment.

Meet (virtually or in person) your student team and faculty mentor to discuss the project objectives and collaboration timeline and goals.

Attend weekly meetings with your student team and Foster mentor.

Attend the final presentation with your company leadership to learn about the statistical models and business solutions developed by your student team

Implement the actionable insights and analytics-based business solutions in your company and evaluate the impact of collaborating with FCAC.

Top Talents

Students picked based on a competitive application process

Deep Insight

10 week long project; extensive engagement and deeper insights

Filtered Solutions

Team works closely with Foster faculty and delivers vetted solutions


Opportunity to work closely with and directly recruit our best analytics talent

Inquiry Form

For more information about our services, including Analytics Insights Project, complete the following form.
We will contact you as soon as possible.

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